Prayer for the Beatification of the Venerable Pierre Toussaint

Lord God, source of love and compassion, we praise an honor you for the virtuous and charitable life of our brother in Christ Venerable Pierre Toussaint.

Inspired by the example of our Lord Jesus, Pierre worshiped you with love and served you people with generosity.  He attended Mass and responded to the practical and spiritual needs of friends and strangers of the rich and the poor, of the sick and the homeless of nineteenth century New York.

If it your will, let the name of Venerable Pierre Toussaint be officially raised to the rank of saint, so that the world may know this Haitian New Yorker who refused to hate or be selfish but insteads lived to the full commandments of heaven and the divine law of love - love of God and for neighbor.  By following his example and asking for his prayers, may we, too, be counted among the blessed in heaven.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.